About Us

About On Beat Entertainment

On Beat Entertainment Creates an auspicious atmosphere, through my passion for music and joy of entertaining I am committed to bringing your vision to life. I will be there for you from the first detail to the last song to ensure your needs are met. From announcing to a custom playlist, I individually tailor each experience to give a one of a kind moment.

The Founder Kolby Punches

Through one of a kind experience in the Event industry, Kolby learned the art of making an event flow seamlessly as well as anticipating the different needs of the audience knowing that no two events are the same Kolby reflects the importance of his client’s values and needs by knowing how to enhance what is important. If it’s playing the music that gets everyone on the dance floor, ensuring the event runs smoothly, or simply adding zest and enthusiasm to announcements. Kolby will go that extra mile to do the good turn daily no matter your needs, with On Beat Entertainment you will always have a Master of Ceremonies with you and the knowledge that Kolby is always there to help.

Kolby Punches was born and raised in the small town of Grass Valley near Lake Tahoe. At a young age, Kolby found a passion for helping the community and through this passion he joined Boy Scouts finding a community with the same passions, taking pride in their slogan “Do a good turn daily”. As Kolby got older he rose through the ranks until finally becoming an Eagle Scout taking those values out into the world with him. Kolby First moved to the North Bay to attend Sonoma State University for Communications, but needing to take his beloved childhood dog with him he found a home in another small town named Kenwood where he quickly found a job at the wedding venue site Kenwood Farms and Gardens. Not even halfway through his first semester, the Tubs Fire consumed the area so Kolby decided to help the nearby elderly community of Oakmont evacuate and choose to stay behind during the evacuation to continue helping where he could and prevented several houses in the area from burning as well as keeping a watchful eye for looters that took advantage of the empty homes. During this time, the only running water and power was at the local firehouse. At night, those who stayed behind would get together and serve the firefighters dinner as well as exchange tips and tell stories. It was here Kolby fell in love with the bay area and the amazing people who lived here. 

After the fire, Kolby started a home improvement business helping the very same elderly community. As Kolby progressed through Sonoma State, he also worked his way up at the venue site becoming the right hand of the owner and began managing the venue site, in doing so Kolby found a passion for creating special and memorable events. By working alongside the event coordinators, Kolby learned every aspect of the event industry and he was able to hone his skills in running an event. At one of these events, he met a DJ named Noel, a veteran in the business of 25 years who was impressed with the wedding Kolby was running. They became fast friends bonding over the love of events and Noel taught Kolby the skill of DJing and the art of Ceremonies. Shortly after, Kolby traded running a venue site for DJing and through the next three years of college would continue working closely with Noel DJing on weekends. Later on, during the beginning of the lock down Kolby would graduate from Sonoma State University. Shortly after he graduated, Noel would retire and On Beat Entertainment would be founded.